
Posted by Shoham Zober on Monday, June 22, 2009
Wow!  I just wok up and thought it was Sunday night!  It's Monday morning though...  Mike and I worked on his two new tunes, they sound awesome:  Madame of Syracuse and The Battle of Stanton Heights.  I'll have ro work on the lyrics for Madame of Syracuse a bit more, but I think that they will both be awesome tunes!i!  Shoham



Posted by Shoham Zober on Monday, June 22, 2009
Wow!  I just wok up and thought it was Sunday night!  It's Monday morning though...  Mike and I worked on his two new tunes, they sound awesome:  Madame of Syracuse and The Battle of Stanton Heights.  I'll have ro work on the lyrics for Madame of Syracuse a bit more, but I think that they will both be awesome tunes!i!  Shoham




Posted by Shoham Zober on Monday, June 22, 2009
Wow!  I just wok up and thought it was Sunday night!  It's Monday morning though...  Mike and I worked on his two new tunes, they sound awesome:  Madame of Syracuse and The Battle of Stanton Heights.  I'll have ro work on the lyrics for Madame of Syracuse a bit more, but I think that they will both be awesome tunes!i!  Shoham

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