
Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We had a nice day today working at Matt's house... we did a cover of Schenley High School's Alma Mater, that was cool and then after that we worked on Lady Boy- it's always nice to play with Matt... The I ran into a friend of mine from many moons ago- Howard, who ended up being a friend of Matt's and we wnt over to say "Hi" after that!i!




Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We had a nice day today working at Matt's house... we did a cover of Schenley High School's Alma Mater, that was cool and then after that we worked on Lady Boy- it's always nice to play with Matt... The I ran into a friend of mine from many moons ago- Howard, who ended up being a friend of Matt's and we wnt over to say "Hi" after that!i!





Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We had a nice day today working at Matt's house... we did a cover of Schenley High School's Alma Mater, that was cool and then after that we worked on Lady Boy- it's always nice to play with Matt... The I ran into a friend of mine from many moons ago- Howard, who ended up being a friend of Matt's and we wnt over to say "Hi" after that!i!


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