
Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Matt and I got together this evening and had a great practice...  We also listened to an acoustic version of fair field foul play from yesterday's practice with Mike, that also sounded really good...  We also worked on/ I showed Matt some of the stuff that I have done w/ "The Plight of Damascus" - that is going to be a sensational one!i!

For sure,




Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Matt and I got together this evening and had a great practice...  We also listened to an acoustic version of fair field foul play from yesterday's practice with Mike, that also sounded really good...  We also worked on/ I showed Matt some of the stuff that I have done w/ "The Plight of Damascus" - that is going to be a sensational one!i!

For sure,





Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Matt and I got together this evening and had a great practice...  We also listened to an acoustic version of fair field foul play from yesterday's practice with Mike, that also sounded really good...  We also worked on/ I showed Matt some of the stuff that I have done w/ "The Plight of Damascus" - that is going to be a sensational one!i!

For sure,


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